Monday, December 22, 2008


带着忐忑不安又不舍的心情来到了学士学位的最后一个学期. 在这最后的学期我们一定要好好的珍惜彼此在一起的快乐时光. 去一些我们未曾去过的地方留下我们BEI 8在一起的美好回忆. 我相信大家都会很舍不得离开北大,吉打州,KAMPUNG SIAM, KUALA PERLIS, CHANGLUN等等.这些都是我们常聚会的地方,有谁会舍得它们呢?哈哈!可是我们人在江湖身不由己啊!毕竟我们还是需要回到我们的鸟巢!光阴似箭,时间不会等我们的,我相信这最后的学期会过的很快,所以我希望大家都会好好珍惜这最后的学期. 三年的时间就这样过去了,我们也不小了是时候为自己的将来做出打算了.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008


BEI 8 BLOG 成立以来这是我第一次在这留下点滴,真不好意思让你们久等了哦!在机缘巧合和上帝的安排之下把我们来自全国各地,奇形怪状,性格不同的凑合在一起.我们认识的时间说长不长说短不短,可是我们的感情就好像一家人一样,互相照顾互相保护,有难同当有福同享.虽然我们有时候会意见不合,会有一点小争吵,但我们都不会放在心上.我真的很希望大家都能珍惜我们之间的情谊,因为朋友是一辈子的.男朋友或老公会分手或离婚,但是做朋友却是永远的.很快的我们又要毕业了各奔东西了,真的很舍不得你们哦!还有我们在一起的快乐时光.毕业后不要忘了要保持联络哦!结婚生子都要第一时间告诉BEI 8的成员哦!哈哈!不久就是圣诞节了,我在这祝大家圣诞节快乐!SIEW HWEI, 谢谢你给我的批评我会很努力的去改掉的.还有你的生日快到了,我先在这祝福你身体健康,青春美丽,永远快乐!HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY DEAR.希望你会有个难忘的生日.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008



在北大里,如果没有去过槟城真的是天下的大笑话。所以我们决定去见识见识。当天,我们租了两辆的车子。我们在天还没亮时就已经出发。在车子里,每一个人都很疲倦,好像没睡醒。但没有关系,重要的是我们一定要打住 100% 的精神在槟城。









Saturday, December 13, 2008

sOmeTHing wanNa saY

Hey, everyone. Exam Weeks should be extremely busy? I wish you guy all the best for your exam. Even though you guy will not read my message here at this moment, I still want to wish you guy “Jia You” and “Gambateh” for everything you guy do in your life.Actually now I am feel quite bored. I'm wondering why nobody post any post here to share happiness and sadness via our blog. Remember -There will be someone who reading our blog. If our blog becomes famous, we will earn a lot of money. Trust me...

Anyway friends, life in UUM around 5 semesters is not easy to pass through. In these 2.5 years, we experienced d0zen of thing and every single thing is our memory. Some of us disagree of my statement here; however the photos that we took for each activity will definitely impacted your memory. Trust me again...!!!I don't know how many of us will be reading my blog for today. But I still want to say something.

Fist of all, I would like to wish Yee Ling -Happy Birthday. Wish that she will fully enjoy her live. For me, everyone in 北8 all is my best friends, buddies and geng. In my University’s life, Frankly speaking, I appreciate you guy become as my best friends. In return, I'm hoping that you guy always treating me as your best friends like how I treat you guy. I always hope that our friendship will be no end after we graduate, work, and even marry.If we review pass, many thing have become our daily routine. For instance, “da bao-ing” (take away dinner) at 5pm, celebrating birthday with each members, “Kepo-ing” (gossip+ing) together. All of these things actually already became one part in my daily life in UUM. This is our style...Sometimes we will find out that the things we do everyday are actually wasting our time, but this is what our style- 北8. As we knew, the friendships that we built 88% are from started here. I hope you guy totally agree with me.

Here is something that I want to say to each members:

YeeLing- you will be the first because today is your birthday. I really want to thank you for your sacrifices that you gave to me. I appreciate your works. Thank you so much for helping in my studies. I want to wish you all the best for your future undertaking..

Chin Hwei- I felt like less talking with you. I like your softness. I think you are the one always keep silent and pretend nothing when something happen. This is what I shall learn from you. Thanks also in 5 semesters here as my best friend in UUM. I want to wish you pretty always and keep smiling. Seriously speaking, your smile can kill me if I'm guy!

Elaine- Sometimes we will argue, but the arguments that I made do not come from the evil heart. Sometime, I appreciate your argument because there is a POINT there. I'm so sorry if I miss say something that hurt you heart and I do hope you will forgive me~~ I want to wish you best of luck in everything you do.

Ee Mun- Our Big Sister in 北8. I think you are the most emotion girl. I mean emotion here is: you will not hide any sadness and you will share it out always. Really want to thank you for your entire story for us and we will take it as a memory. Thank you being our treasurer when we are going out. I want to wish you good luck in your life yeah.

Hai Ying- Actually I know Teoh Hai Ying will not read message because she never come in 北8 blog. Anyway, I still want to say something. You are the stressful person among us, and also the high demand on whatever you do. .Sometime I want to talk a lot of thing to you, but scare I will waste your time. hehe. Thank you always lending your ears for me when I want to complain something. I wish you will find a good guy that will change your stressful mind...
May Wan-May wan , is a another stressful person. She likes to talk a lot also. But she is a very negative person. she alwasy think that I wanna bully her even I dont mean that. I like to hang around with her because when I see her stress, I wont be stress anymore. May Wan, Really sorry if you feel hurt when I bully you, hope you dont mind, Even I dont really know you in a long while if compared to other member of Bei 8, I appreciate every moment that I hang together with you.

Mei Heong-Mei Heong is one of the member that different course among us.Even we are not from the same course,we still can stick together oh. You know, you are a very soft talking girl, and act gentle-ly, sometimes I'm thinking I want to be more like you.haha,..but I failed. Anyway, hope that you are able to be a successful banker, so that next time I wont be in trouble if I wanna make a loan ..Take care friend.

Mei Na- A very straight forward girl when she speaks. She can has alot of truth to tell, and she is also a beautican oh.I think I've learn a lot from you according to your view on beauty ..Thank you so much. You are only the junior among us and please really study hard because next time I will need you in court..all the best in your future undertaking oh.

Pei yen-A very talkactive girl, talking award should be given to you. Haha, this sem you really look busy specially in your marketing paper, and I felt like you are so far from us.Next sem dont do that okie...I really hope that next time you are able to marry to Aus oh.. I'm waiting to attend your wedding dinner. anyway, wish you have a bright future and continue to fight for your own dreams. No one can stop and be the wall for you to keep hard working.

Suan Bee- Smart girl. you really able to memory in the short time and I want your brain~I felt the way you think really like predicting the future and you have a long time thinking. Maybe next time you will be a very famous businesswoman among us. one more thing, you are very " ke Qi'' oh, just like hai ying. Next sem, we will have fun together. Dont worry ..Anyway, wish that you are able to overcome any circumstance in your life. do live your life colorfully.

Yin theng- Dear of mine. most blissful girl.Talked phone non stop.You are really a hardworking member among us oh.girls, Remember dont disturb her during exam weeks oh ..haha..But sometime you very bad temper oh.and most important, you are very 38 oh..want to know everything that happened surrouding you .haha ..we will award you 38 award to you .dont worry.. Anyway, wish you have a happy family for just stay in the home and be a good wife and mother la ..haha ..take care

Member of bei 8, remember that friendship stay forever in our heart ...:-)

written by,











在我们北八这个大家庭里,我想最了解我的人应该就是我住了快要三年的室友吧-美香。她不管对我的人还是生活态度都有一定的了解。她还真是一个让我搞不懂得人,难道这就是所谓的女人心海底深吗?每当我看她在读书忙着考试或者做功课时,我觉得她很有魄力,很细心,做事情仅仅有条,就像个女强人一样。不只这样,当我去到她家时,看她把家里整理得很好,也把弟妹照护到好好的,我还觉得她是个很厉害的人。但是有些时候, 我又觉得她有点糊里糊涂的,比如说她会把你想表达的意思给听成是别的,弄得大家都哭笑不得。

虽然很难捉摸她真正的个性, 但是我觉得可能就是因为这样让我觉得她是个很可爱的人,也让我这三年的生活有了不少乐趣。虽然我们会因为毕业而分开,但是我保证我永远都不会忘记你这个可爱的朋友的。最后,我想说声谢谢你对我的包容,让我们都有了一段美好的大学回忆。






