Thursday, November 19, 2009

i miss u all

i miss u all so much. i miss the time we laugh together, cry together.
i miss the moment we 38 together. my room 15h106 and emun room 15h105 always become our meeting room. all bei 8 members will gether at there. birthday party, meal party, fruit party all will hold at there. our voice and sound get complaining by neighbour. holidays o weekend we will changluning, kuala perlising, kampung siaming together. i miss the time we together. our friendship start and build at there. thanks to uum to let us know each other.i love uum. i love u all, bei 8 members.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Practical Part 2-July 2009

I came back from holidays. The day was dark, representing my feeling. I was thinking at that time, what will be the new thing for July? First time arrived to Bukit Jalil was excited, but second time was feared. I have to overcome the pressure, depress and even trials. I know I must be strong otherwise I failed.

New working place was good, brem mall at kepong. I felt good because I know I’m able to get someone- May Wan for entertaining me when I’m feeling down. I can’t express too much of negative minds and complaints towards Yin Theng , because I don’t want to pressure her with my own problems. She will have same problems as mine or even worst than me. I don’t know what would happen in this practical again. I just want to pass my practical peacefully and unregretted.

I still remember the first meeting of July- the sales manager set the target for us to achieve. Peoples were keeping laughing me, “Minimum tiga”. I don’t think this was a joke and I always believe that the decisions I made will be right. There is not important to favor on people’s sight, but favor on God’s sight.

Starting July, people always used sarcastic words to insult me. I can take it, whatever they want to say regarding to body shape, my personalities, attitudes, but I don’t really like people using religion as a topic. Christ means a lot to me, it’s doesn’t matter if they don’t understand. But they keep using Christ to attack me make me felt uncomfortable. That time I really upset. Why people want to compare the beliefs and the religions. Nobody support me because I’m the only Christian in the house. "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.” Thank God for this verse. This is because I know I am being blessed if people insult me for the sake of Christ.

In addition, it’s very hard to get off day. What I truly regret- I was not able to attend any church service, because weekend is the good day for getting more sales and customers. Sometimes I prayed, God, Please bless me with the sales on week day so that I’m able to ask for the permission to get Sunday as off day. I break the command of God, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

After a month, I’m quite ok with the situation and condition of promoting credit card. Everyday, my mind was thinking, when this practical will end? When can I release this tiredness in body, spirit and soul? Am I able to pass through the practical and graduate with the better result?

Another experience in July-I don’t only promote credit cards in the mall but promote beside the road, in front of different bank. Frankly speaking, the experiences and feeling are great. I just feeling that I went back to the moment when I was small, selling “pao” besides the road. haha. There were busy flows of people specially the peak hours. What I truly enjoy was not promoting the cards, but the foods. The foods were varieties, delicious, and some I could not taste at my hometown. Standing outside was tiring, under the hot weather. The emotional will get crazy if I keep standing under the hot sun.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Practical Part one- June 2009

Practical past, time flies, I can’t expect that I’m able to pass through these four months. Memories are always there when we truly appreciate.

While typing my feeling, I just recall back when I arrived to Bukit Jalil, with Yin Theng, Rendy, Jocelyn, and Jiunn. A skinny guy came and took us. I never expected he is the manager of ours. The first impression of me towards him was truly bad, a smoking guy and never talk to us even we were new to the place.

I had been asked to start work day after I arrived. That time I was thinking, crazy… I never been to any training, courses, just a small, short moment of briefing, and yet they asked us to work. I totally can’t accept. What can I do? I’m new and I’m nothing at that time. Some of the UUM students were doing part-time over there. We are same Uni, but they never approach and talk to us. They treated us as stranger. Nobody introduce themselves to us. So, what can we do was, we did what we liked. Ampang Carrefour was my first experience, which I needed to approach the customers aggressively. Wei Lih was the one who brought us, taught us- me, yin theng and Jocelyn. He was very unhappy with our attitudes and I knew he kept complaint about us in front of others. Try to imagine, we have to stand more than 10 hours non-stop. That time, Jocelyn, Yin theng and I were very unhappy with these. We not dare to rest even for a moment when the leader was looking at us …haha…We were trying to change our practical, keep calling to the lecturer, UIL, but the problem was, the procedure was too “mafan” and I don’t like thing brings me to “mafan”

I still remember, the first time we was scolded by the manager,” if you guy don’t respect weilih and happy as your team leader, here is the key, you can go out now” and he threw the key. My reaction was, Wah, how come he talked to us like this?

After 14 days, Jocelyn leave, that time, I was very regret because I can’t leave and acts like her. I never cried, but I complaint. That’s why I’m the complain queen in that house. Everyday works, not dare to take rest because they were not allow us to take rest. I’m not under pressure, but under tired. My body, spirit and soul were tired with all these. 8a.m wake up in the morning, 845pm went to work and finish work at 10pm. Arrived home sometime 12am if worked together with the XXX. Haha …

In June, I was very unhappy, people treated us as a stranger, and we have nobody who really understands me during that time. I felt bad and I asked God, why like this? I though I will have a memorable practical. I still remember before I came for practical, I keep praying, asked God for His favor and send me regarding to His way and not mine. But why. Why God send me to the place that I dislike and hate so much. Why God didn’t listen to my prayer? Why God didn’t send me to any logistic company which I expected so much … with no answer..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

HatYai Trip (30.07.08-01.08.08)


30.07.2008, 星期三

6am多我們北8就到綺敏的房間集合,哈哈,由於我們來不及向學校申請什麽出國旅遊批准信,所以我們租用的小型旅遊車就不方便進宿舍接載我們,只好勞煩綺霜分兩次載我們下卡吉山腳,因爲我們有9個人嘛,就讓我來介紹我們這次旅程的成員吧, 有綺敏,海瑩,燕婷,依玲,美云,Joey, 毓玲,佩燕和我-君慧。



10am我們就到達我們的目的地-合艾,我們先去泰國的代理商那裏,商談一會後,就先到Grand Plaza Hotel 去Check In,然後我們就出發去松卡 (Shongka)了!大約1小時的路程,我們就到達了,大家的肚子都咕咕叫,所以當然要先找地方醫五臟府咯。我們去到一閒名叫‘天外天’的餐館,點了來泰國一定不能少的冬炎湯,豆腐,螃蟹,炸sotong,菜。大家都餓了,所以菜一上就吃起來了,不過要先聲明我們還是有保持儀態的哦,哈哈!

然後我們就沿海而行,到一尊不懂是哪位泰國偉人的銅像前留下倩影,對不起,本小姐沒注意看那裏的解説,所以不能一一為大家講解,敬請原諒,嘿嘿!大約1pm 我們就去Tang Kuan Hill,要搭Lift上去的,來回好像是RM3。而且我們遇到一對來自外國夫婦,以我們的本性,當然和他們哈拉一番,然後拍照咯,那男的樣子還不錯呢,當然女生也很漂亮,嘿嘿!在山頂上看到很美的風景,也有一些神塔,可是很曬,一直撐雨傘而已,要拍照才把它丟一旁,拍完又趕快撐回去,因爲實在是頂不順了。。。雖然如此,我們也在那裏逗留了大約1小時,然後由搭囘Lift下山,逛逛賣紀念品的然後就往下一個景點出發了。。。












來到行程的第二天了,今天的行程由我們自己安排,所以 得爭取時間,大約8am 我們就爬起來了。還有還有,竟然忘了交代最重要的東西,就是泰國時間比大馬時間慢1小時,所以我們在這裡是多賺了1個小時,哈!!!所以昨天所敍述的時間都以大馬時間為准。。。

梳洗一番后,我們就到樓下的‘七仔’- 7-11找吃的了,那裏的貨品看得我眼花繚亂,好多不曾看過的食品,所以進去又是拍個不停,哈哈!不行,真的忍不住。。。好啦,先介紹一下‘七仔’的早餐吧,有香腸,漢堡,燒賣,包點等等。。。而且豬肉漢堡一個才RM2。過后我們就乘搭嘟嘟車去早上的市場,感覺非常特別,9個人擠一輛車,又可以看看街景。。。



然後我們就去在酒店旁的商場-Lee Garden,我們這隊的5個人的午餐平均才RM5而已,要知道我們吃什麽嗎?那就是KFC的炸春卷一個,McD的豬肉漢堡兩個加薯條和汽水,Swensen’s的冰淇淋兩客,還有剛才在路邊攤吃的小糕點和煎鵪鶉蛋,才RM5就試了這麽多東西,划算!!


接下來的行程就是逛這裡附近的街道和商場,我們逛了商場后就去逛街,邊走邊吃,又吃燒雞塊,然後一些炸什麽的,過後又去‘七仔’報到,因爲外面熱,所以乾脆躲進去,當然我們也有幫襯他們的冰沙。走到最後剩下綺敏,燕婷和我而已,美云和Joey 不懂到那裏去了。我們甚至還走到迷路添,一邊問店家一邊走,還好這也難不倒我們,總算也走囘了酒店。





買到最後,我們都需要去多買一個類似紅白藍膠袋的袋子把全部戰利品都裝進去,誇張吧。。。11.30am我們就會房間收拾行李,把袋子都擠得滿滿的。來張大合照之後,我們就Check Out 了。我們把行李先放在大廳的一個角落,然後就去Lee Garden的第33樓吃自助餐,我們還須從10多樓轉搭另一部電梯才能到達33樓呢。。。




這次的泰國之旅是我們北8在Sem 5的學期活動之一,接下來還有Bon Odori, Protokol, MoonFest等等,如有時間,我再一一為大家用文字把它給記下來,好讓你們不會漸漸把這些美好的回憶給忘了,哈哈!

Chin Hwei